Say what you think

the world needs your voice

I used to think that because I am a spiritual person, it was not my place to have an opinion about what was going on in the world. I am the observer, who wishes peace on everyone without judging.

Om shanti shanti, right?

This was until I saw a YouTube video of Marianne Williamson. That was when my world changed.

I know about Marianne Williamson through my studies of ACIM and I am a great lover of her book A Return to Love. I knew she was powerful… but I didn’t realise quite how much.

I don’t remember exactly what she said, or even the exact video I was watching. All I remember is the passion and conviction with which she channelled her words. She wasn’t ranting or venting or even getting things off her chest. She was speaking from a sacred place within her and creating impact by shifting the perspectives of those listening, including myself.

That is what has made a lasting impact on me. And it has inspired me to make a similar impact in my own way.

Since then (less than a year ago) I have been on this path, asking myself questions:
What do I think about the world? What topics bring out this inner fire in me? What is the change I want to see?


I follow these questions in the constant journey.

Even in terms of current events, I still have a lot of catching up to do. I missed a lot of news because I deemed myself too sensitive for its content. And now I am back in the loop, I see how much I missed, how much was going on without my awareness.

For this reason, I didn’t expect Brexit. I didn’t expect Trump. Was I simply too complacent? Was it the same for others? Are we simply to comfortable to care? Is that why it happened? Or is this a natural turn in events?

This is what I increasingly want to talk about. I want to feel uncomfortable and bring this feeling out in others. Because when we are uncomfortable, we are learning something new, we are aware. And it is only when we are aware and talking about it that change can happen.

And change needs to happen. Because whatever this is, it isn’t working and it’s us, it’s you, who needs to change this. Because if it’s not me, if it’s not you… who will it be?

The world needs your voice. Use it.



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