Wake up

Have we fotgotten
that we are all human here
with hands and hearts
which love and bleed and share
the same

Have we forgotten
that we are together in this
and it doesn’t matter
if you are a politician or a plumber
black, white or somewhere in between

Have we forgotten
that this earth doesn’t actually
belong to anyone
and we are all citizens
regardless of walls and borders and barbed wire

Have we forgotten
that we can be grown up about this
and talk about our problems
instead of throwing bombs
like water balloons

Have we forgotten
that people died so we could vote
and that it is not simply
a piece of paper
to be wasted or squandered

Have we forgotten
that hate doesn’t get us anywhere
and to stand up
we must stand up
and stand up united

Have we forgotten
how to even stand up
how to speak
how to use our voices
for good

I have not

I remember that I am human
I remember that I am a heart
that beats the same as yours
I remember to breathe in
fresh air and fresh thoughts
And I remember to share them
with respects for myself and for others
So that they may remember too
and we can replace this hate with common heart
and watch this madness ebb away
with every beat

Have you forgotten
that you have a heart?

That beats like mine
like you enemy’s, like your friend’s

Now is not a time to forget
Now is a time to remember
Now is a time to wake up

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